
Thursday, April 5, 2012

T-Shirt Scarves 101

The other evening my friend Janelle and I held our first Pinterest inspired class at Sugar Creek Homestead.  We had a great group of eager women who learned to make scarves and flowers from t-shirts.  It is a great way to give new life to your old t-shirts and a fresh look to your wardrobe. So much fun!
cutting up t-shirts

making t-shirt flowers

stretching the t-shirts to get a nice rolled edge

Beautiful mother & daughter made beautiful scarves together

Don't they look just smashing in their new t-shirts scarves!

Check out our next Pinterest inspired class.... paper flowers using old book pages.  Be watching for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Love it Lisa! I bookmarked a tutorial on tshirt scarves a long time ago and have never gotten around to doing it. Perhaps you've given me the kick in the pants to get to it! We're on spring break next week, so maybe my daughter and I'll give new life to some old tshirts together!
